Monday, March 26, 2012

Birth Plan

I desire a natural, drug free birth as long as I am able, with as little intervention as possible.

Please do not offer me pain medications or an epidural, I will ask for them if I need them.

  • I would like to have the following people present with me at all times during labor and delivery (and during c-section if needed): Daddy B and Doula M.
  • If birthing equipment is available, I would like to be able to use:
    • Birthing bed, birthing ball, birthing stool, squatting bar, and shower/tub.
  • I prefer to have a heparin or saline lock.
  • I would like to be able to labor in any position and in any location I feel my body needs.
  • I would like for my water to break on its own unless medically necessary.
  • If possible, I would like to have a nurse who has attended a natural birth and preferably a VBAC.
Pain Relief:
  • I would like to be able to walk around and move as I wish while in labor.
  • I would like access to a shower/tub.
  • I prefer external, intermittent monitoring.
Second Stage Laboring:
  • As long as the baby and I are healthy, I prefer to have no limits on time or position of pushing.
  • I prefer to have no episiotomy and risk tearing (unless there is a medical emergency).
  • To help prevent tearing, please apply: hot compresses, oil and use perineal massage.
  • As long as my baby is healthy, I would like my baby placed on my abdomen or given to me immediately.
  • Please delay cord clamping until it stops pulsing, or for 5 minutes (whichever comes first).
Newborn Procedures:
  • I would like to delay the administration of eye ointment, Vitamin K and the Hep. B Vaccine up to 1 hour after birth unless medically necessary. If we do end up in a cesarean, I want the eye ointment administered immediately.
  • My baby is to be exclusively breastfed, please do not offer formula or pacifiers without my consent.
  • If it is medically necessary to have a cesarean, I would like to be conscious.
  • As soon as baby is delivered, I want the baby to be held up so I can see them before they are taken to be cleaned and assessed.
  • Unless there is a medical emergency, I want Daddy B (husband) to be able to cut the cord.
  • If my baby is healthy, I would like to hold the baby and nurse as soon as possible.
  • If my baby and I are both healthy, I want the baby to be in recovery with me the entire time.

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